
An excellent slogan

The motto of the chinese postal service (as they translate it):

Post is profession. Post bureau is home. Mail is life. On-time delivery is gold.

I love it.

PS. For those of you who've asked, No, the underlined words aren't links. They eventually will be, once I'm home, and have the ability to upload my buttloads of photos at my leisure. Buttloads. About 70 so far, and I haven't even REALLY gone anywhere of note. Let alone into the scenic destinations I want to go to so desperately. Anyway, the point of the underlining is mostly to remind me that there are photos or other links that I'd like to eventually point to, once I'm back in Canada and do a good hearty upload / revision / insert missing posts.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, thankies. I was much confused, but that makes sense. I'll look forward to seeing the pics later ;).

Brook Jones said...

That is an excellent slogan! It would look good on a t-shirt.