
Technical Note

So, since I won't really be constantly blogging during this trip, but will be constantly trying to remember the millions of details of it -- many handwritten, many yet-to-make-it-into-sentence form, I hereby give you fair warning that there may be significant gaps in this narrative which will likely get filled in on my return to Canada. So, if I'm suddenly writing from some city you don't remember be getting to, you are not going crazy. Also, I will try to insert posts by date when I do finally piece the whole story together, so when the trip's over, I'll try to come up with some sort of consistent system so that you don't have to go digging through the whole blog to find posts you've yet to read.

Next, this comes to you unedited. In fact, since I can't even see my blog from here (no, seriously), I can't tell if I double post, if weird chinese characters appear in the text, or edit after I send (post). So, we're not aiming necessarily for quality of writing, per se. I just need to basically download about a mini-lifetime worth of experience every day for my own sake, and hope you enjoy reading it too. I don't aim to compare in readability to some of my readership's own trip logs (AHEM, still waiting) or metaphor-driven artistic blogging.

But... It begins. Hope you like. It's going to be quite the adventure.

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